We’ve joined forces with Keep Britain Tidy in England and Keep Scotland Beautiful in an urgent call to action to tackle post lockdown litter. Together we’re urging people to do the right thing and bin their litter or take it home.
We hope this open letter, signed by all three chief executives, sends a clear message to everyone as restrictions ease.
In Wales, we are also working with all local authorities on a campaign to ‘make memories, not mess’.
To stop bins filling up and overflowing, everyone is being urged to take their litter home and dispose of it there.
The campaign is being run as part of Caru Cymru (a Welsh phrase meaning ‘Love Wales’) – an inclusive movement to eradicate litter and waste. Its aim is to inspire the people of Wales to take action and care for our environment, building stronger, healthier communities and making a positive difference to our planet.
Here’s a message from one of our special supporters…#CaruCymru
Find out more by visiting the Caru Cymru Hub