Caru Cymru

The way that we design our streets is not just a matter of aesthetics. In the same way that the creation of walking and cycling routes in our cities can affect peoples transport and commuting behaviours, we can also ‘design’ in safer and more cared for spaces which affect the tendency for littering and other environmental crimes. Our streets are full of objects like lampposts, road signs, post boxes, planters, benches and bus shelters. Unfortunately, these features can often be the focus of anti-social behavior, littering, graffiti and vandalism and their surfaces can be hard to clean. Objects which are badly designed or inappropriately located can trap litter and secluded and neglected parts of public spaces are likely to attract more anti-social behaviour.

There are many different types of bins across Wales to help us keep our communities clean. They are important because the lack of bins is the most common excuse for littering. But to be effective, they need to be maintained and emptied and located in the right place.

Unfortunately, bins are expensive so it’s impossible to provide them everywhere. If there are no bins around, we need to take our litter and bagged dog fouling home with us to keep our communities clean.