We have previously collected data for the RSPB and decided that it would be a good idea to do so again.
As we have a very small garden area at school we decided setting up a feeding station would encourage birds and help survival rates.
The whole school was involved in the actual bird watch but only KS2 carried out the follow-up activities.
We have encouraged more birds to visit our school.
All the pupils know more about the challenges faced by our local birds.
We wrote a report for the Governors and for the website.
Repeat the Big Bird Watch next year to ensure that no species have disappeared from our garden. Carry out regular in between checks.
Next Spring we would like to raise awareness locally of the declining numbers of birds in our area and encourage members of the community to provide bird-friendly gardens and wildlife areas.
We love being in the bird hide. It helps us to be sure that no birds have died out in the area. It lets us collect important data year on year for the RSPB. We like to think that we are part of a nation-wide group of people who are helping wildlife. Bea - Year 6
Bea - Year 6
The Big Birdwatch provides opportunity to a wide variety of follow up activities across the curriculum. We compare our results with those on the RSPB website to see which birds are declining and we research the reasons for this e.g. fewer green spaces. We can then look at ways of improving our own small grounds with birds in mind. Mrs Biggs
Mrs Biggs
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