
The aim of the project was to improve school/community links as well as improving the ecology of the local area by planting more trees and wildflower spaces around Llantwit Major

Plant Llantwit success!

What did you do and how did you involve the whole school?

Pupil and staff volunteers from different age groups/departments joined forces with Plant Llantwit, a local environmental conservation group, to plant 420 trees near Rosedew Farm. Parents also got involved in the day – making it a truly community event!

How and why did you decide on this target?

Following on from the success of our own school garden in 2018/19, our Environmental Review highlighted the desire to widen community links and improve ecology in the local area.

How has the project impacted on your school and your community?

In its first year, Plant Llantwit smashed its target of planting 1,000 trees. Due its success, the project is well into its second year and we are looking forward to volunteering again this autumn to plant more bulbs in the local community.

As well as the enormous environmental benefits of planting trees and increasing biodiversity in the area, it had a positive impact on pupils’ behaviour and perception of young people in the community. It really brought young and old together and through that, an appreciation of the truly spectacular landscape on their doorstep.

How did you celebrate success and what are your next steps?

Achievements were celebrated via social media (Twitter/Facebook) as well as the local newspaper (The Gem). Photographs were also displayed on school TV screens/noticeboards and school newsletter.

Our next steps are to continue this partnership by volunteering for future events as well as plant trees/bulbs in our own school grounds.