Young Reporters for the Environment

How we use the world’s resources is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity and anyone researching and reporting on green issues can potentially have a huge influence.

Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) is a network of international youth engaged in education for sustainable development. The goal of YRE has been to engage youth in resolving environmental issues.


About YRE

Young Reporters aged between 11 and 25, have been invited annually to investigate environmental problems and issues and to propose solutions through published investigative reporting, photographic and video journalism.

The YRE competition has also enabled participants to develop skills and expand their knowledge. As well as gaining a deeper understanding of sustainable development, the programme teaches and enhances communication and citizenship skills, individual initiative, teamwork, critical analysis, social responsibility and leadership.

YRE has involved nearly half a million young people since it began, and is currently under review for future young people to take part.  We look forward to announcing the next steps here.

Help and resources

We can help you along the way with resources, tips on how to organise awareness raising activities and advice on creating a winning entry

Learn more

Young Reporters at Home

Use a variety of information to research how coronavirus and the change to our daily lives has affected litter in your area.

Take on a challenge
Young person with camera