Eco-Committee workshop: Our Voice, Our School, Our World

11/10/2024 - 05/06/2025


This event welcomes learners to their new and vital role of being part of an Eco-Committee.

The Eco-Committee is an important group of students. They listen to everyone in the school and work together to start new ideas, take action, and collaborate to achieve their goals.

This session will help to stoke the fires of creativity and answer any questions young learners may have.

During this workshop committee members will learn how to make a big impact in their school. They will also explore what committees from other schools across Wales have achieved. Participants will also be given a platform to share their own ideas during the session.

The topics have been divided into three relaxed sessions and spread out over the year.

Session one, 11 October 2024: How can you plan to make a big difference and who are the people who can help you along the way?  This session introduces pupils to the Eco-Schools programme and the role of the eco-committee both within school and the community.

Session two, 7 February 2025: Monitoring and evaluating your actions. During this session pupils can learn about international days of action and take inspiration from other Eco-Schools. This lesson aims to encourage pupils to get planning for the Spring and Summer terms.

Session three, 5 June 2025: This session encourages eco-committees to reflect on the brilliant work they have carried out over the year and come together to learn about what eco-committees across the world have achieved too.

Each session will run between 2:00-2:20pm. Participants can register for one, two, or all three events using the form below.