We are passionate about the Welsh language and recognise the importance of our country’s unique culture and heritage. We are proud to operate bilingually in all areas of our work and are committed to developing our use of the language.

You can:

  • Speak Welsh with staff wearing or displaying the Iaith Gymraeg badge.
  • Get in touch with us in Welsh on the phone, by letter, email or social media. We will respect your choice and respond in your preferred language.

We will:

  • Develop and promote campaigns, training and events bilingually in print and online.
  • Encourage and support our staff to use and improve their Welsh language skills.
  • Value Welsh language skills when recruiting new members of staff.
  • Listen and be open to feedback if anyone feels we aren’t meeting our Welsh language commitment.

Contact the team

Although we aim for the highest possible standards, we’re always learning and improving. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any concerns about our use of the Welsh language.